Photo Writing


That was the day the world changed. I had only had my permit for 2 months. Me and my older sister Belle had always talked about me being able to drive.  There was no one who supported me more than Belle. We had been best friends for as long as I can remember. One night, I was over at my friend’s house. I had spent all day there and it was starting to get dark outside. Belle came to pick me up. She insisted that I drive her home. Even though I spent every free moment I had with Belle, I had never driven her before. My dad’s rules were that I drive with only him for the first 3 months of having my permit until I was more experienced. I was never really one to go against my dad’s rules, but this day was different. Belle was just so excited, I couldn’t bare to tell her no. So I drove her home. As I was driving, I came to a traffic light. I stopped and waited for the light to turn green. The light switched and I continued driving. What I didn’t see was the car to my side who was running their red light. Me and the other driver both hit our brakes as soon as we could, but we were going too fast. The car slammed into the side of me and the airbags blew up in my face. Panic rushes over my whole body. I look to my sister for support and peace, but I felt the opposite when I see her face all scratched up and covered in blood. The first and only time I ever dialled 911 was on that day. Luckily, the ambulance got there just in time. They rushed her off to the hospital. The doctors say that she will make a full recovery but I will never forget that day.

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